10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown

I use these 10 tips for coping during lockdown every single day. They work and help me keep on track of what is a crazy time at the moment.

Make friends with your slow cooker

I’m a bit of a slow cooker connoisseur. I prep my veggies, and get them all cut up and meat ready the night before. Then, in the morning all I need to do is pop them in the slow cooker. After a challenging day of home schooling and wrangling kids and trying to juggle work (and stay sane) I don’t have to think about dinner as it’s done.


10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown. Image Ref: ablissfulnest.com

10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown – Image Ref: ablissfulnest.com





















Batch cooking

If you’re making Spaghetti Bolognese, make a double quantity and freeze the other batch. This week we are having Pumpkin Ravioli, Spaghetti Bolognese and Shepard’s Pie, all out of the freezer. Then all you need to do is cook some veggies or makem a quick salad and dinner is done.


10 minutes a day keeps the pile away

Ironing is probably the last thing on your mind at the moment but if you do 10 minutes a day it will keep it in check.


I miss my cleaner

Obviously, my cleaner cannot come at the moment and the last thing I have time to do is clean. So, I just do 5 minutes here and there. As soon as I have showered, I wipe out the shower. It’s amazing the difference this makes and your shower won’t need a proper clean for weeks. A quick wipe over the bathroom mirror and vanity after the kids have cleaned their teeth means another job done. Five minutes here and there makes a big difference. Although one of the benefits of lockdown is that no one will be coming to visit you anyway, so maybe cleaning doesn’t need to be high on your list either!!!

Take 10 minutes for yourself

Before the craziness of the day starts I make a cup of tea and go and sit quietly (away from the kids) and take the time to drink it in peace (and whilst it’s hot). Its amazing how you feel if you can just get 10 minutes here and there to yourself.

10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown

10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown – Image Ref: followtheyellowbrickhome.com



















Book that appointment

We won’t be in lockdown for ever (even though it does feel like that some days). So, book that facial or massage now so that when lockdown is finished you have already secured your spot.


Plan out your week

Map out those important meeting that you cannot miss and plan your day around them. Let the family know too. If you need to get the kids set up with Google Meets first thing in the morning, then schedule any “must do” meetings in the afternoon.


Recharge at night

Be sure to recharge all your device e.g., iPads at night ready for the next day of learning.


Bribe your kids

Normally not one that I would suggest but do whatever it takes to get it all done. If you have little kids perhaps start a reward chart for them. They get stickers (and eventually a reward) for doing good things like not coming into the office when you’re on a Zoom meeting, or completing their school work for the day.


The last of my 10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown – Up your vitamins and greens

Let’s be honest, we are all probably burning the candle at both ends. So now is the time to up your dose of Vitamins so you can cope. I know I finished work at 11pm last night so I definitely need some extra energy today.

Good luck with lockdown 5.0. Hopefully it won’t be long and we will be back out again.

Want more tips on coping during lockdown? Then check out our blog on: Master Working From Home.  

Whilst we cannot go and do any home organising we are still helping our clients virtually. So if you need some help, we are only a phone call away.

Declutter your books

When did you make the time to declutter your books? If you’re like me, I’m tipping it hasn’t been recently.

Declutter my house

Declutter your books













Declutter your books in 5 easy steps.

When your books start to build up and create clutter on your bookshelves, bedside table or book shelves its time to declutter. So here’s 5 steps to help make the process of decluttering your books easier.

Set time aside to declutter your books.

You need to set designated time aside if you want to declutter any space. If you don’t have an hour, then just allocate 10 or 15 minutes and don’t stop till the time is up. Just remember though, once you have culled and decluttered your book shelve, bundle the books up ready to be dropped off (also set a date by which they must be dropped off). If you only have 10 or 15 minutes for a declutter session, then also make sure you set yourself a goal as to when you want to have the entire book shelve decluttered.

One shelf at a time.

Like any declutter project you need to start small. So in this instance when you are decluttering your book shelf, start decluttering one shelve at a time. Work from the top down. And if they are spilling out onto the floor, then that is the best place to start your declutter.

Will you really read it again?

I know myself, I had a heap of books that I was never going to read again. So I decided it was time to clear the clutter and let go. With any decluttering that you do, maximum impact is made when you can let go of more items. Plus, it is so much easier to organise and style a book shelve that is not jam packed with books. So keep that in mind with you when you start your declutter.

Why are you keeping those books anyway?

I realised that I was keeping a heap of my old university books. Why? I think it was because of all the memories that they brought back. But the reality was, I was never going to use my Macro Economics book again (I hated the subject then and my opinion has not changed), so why was a keeping it, so they had to go. Declutter and be gone!

Declutter your books and donate.

Feel good about decluttering your books by donating them to someone who can use them. I recently did a declutter for a client and we donated books that were in very good condition to her local library. The library then sold the books and used the money to buy more books.

Other places to donate books to include:


https://www.footpathlibrary.org/contact-us/ they have branches in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.

The Lifestylers Group provides decluttering assistance in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. For assistance with any declutter project (the kitchen, bedroom, office, wardrobes, garage) contact us.

Image credit: http://bliss-athome.com/about/


Leave the house, on time, every time!


Get to get organised














I don’t know about you, but I find it easy to run late if I’m not organised.

I worked with a client recently to help her get organised. Her biggest gripe was that she was always running late. Late to work. Late to pick up the kids. Late to visit friends. Late with dinner. And she wanted to fix this problem.

I know myself, if I’m not organised then I am guaranteed to run late. So I could totally understand where she was coming from. So here’s my tips to help you get out the door, on time, every time.


It all comes down to planning. It doesn’t have to be military precision, but the more planning you do, the more likely you will be on time. Plus, the more kids you have, the more planning you need to do. So for example, if you know you are going somewhere tomorrow morning, then work out:

  • What time you need to leave to get their on time.
  • Consider if you need to allow extra time to park or if you will hit peak hour or school traffic.
  • Do you need to get petrol on the way?

Then allow an extra 10 minutes, as a buffer. So if you had planned on leaving at 9.15am aim to be in the car at 9.05am. Easy!


If you are taking the kids then ensure they know what is expected of them in the morning. Explain the night before, that they will need to be up at a set time in the morning.

Allow extra time

 As I mentioned above, factor in a 10 minute buffer zone. I’ve got little kids and it never fails that as soon as you are ready to get in the car, they do a poo. So their nappy needs to be changed. And, if you’ve got big kids, they still need to be managed too.

How long does it take to do one’s hair?

I mean really!

Do you really need to be snap chatting or texting at 8am in the morning!

Most teenage kids only know one pace. Dawdle!

Plus some kids are just not morning risers. So you need to plan for this. Explain the night before what the deal is. What time they will need to be up in the morning. And then stay one step ahead of them by calling them 15 minutes earlier than required.

Organise your clothes the night before

Each night I work out what I am going to be wearing for the following day. It’s out, ironed and ready to go. Then, there’s no procrastinating in the morning about what to wear. If you want to be super organised, plan your wardrobe on Sunday. Iron and hang it some separate so you are organised for the entire week. Easy!

I do this for my kids as well. So, then I’m not running around trying to find their clothes in the morning. Plus it avoids arguments.

If they are at the stage where they want to dress themselves, then get them involved. Get them to choose their own clothes the night before. There’s nothing worse in the morning. You’re now running late. You’re screening at the kids to get in the car and you realise your daughter is dressed like a bumble bee!

Don’t waste time looking for lost keys

Have one spot where your keys and phone get put. Perhaps you need to hang a hook inside the front door. Or set up a “drop zone” somewhere in your house where your keys and phone are put religiously.

Is it in the top draw in the kitchen? A bowl setting on the bench.  Or on the hallway table. Basically whatever works for your home!

Get up 15 minutes earlier than planned

I find this really useful, especially if you have to get kids organised to. Get up, get yourself organised and perhaps even have your breakfast first. You want to avoid shoving cold toast in your mouth as you run out the door…running late again!

The Lifestylers Group is a professional organising and decluttering service, based in Melbourne and assisting clients in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.

10 ways to add glamour to your bedroom

We spend enough time in there so why not make our bedroom clutter free, organised and stylish. Here’s 10 ways to add glamour to your bedroom and they won’t cost a fortune either. Plus, with the change in seasons, it’s the perfect time to declutter and organise your bedroom, add some pops of colour and freshen up the space.


1. Add a gorgeous headboard

Check out these gorgeous padded bedheads. Elegant and distinctive they come in a range of great colours and totally change a drab bed into a fab one in know time at all. Check out:

http://www.heatherlydesign.com.au/ for some stylish options.

Beautiful Bedroom

Beautiful Bedroom









2. Beautiful bed linen

You simply cannot go past the feeling of beautiful soft linen. You know that feeling when you stay at a luxury hotel and you climb into bed and go “ahha””. 1000 thread count all the way for me! If you plan your shopping well, buy your new linen when it’s on sale so it won’t cost a fortune either.

Visit: www.sheridan.com.au/1000tc-sheet-set-s0ld-b130-c242-749-midnight.html


Luxury Bedroom Linen

Luxury Bedroom Linen














3. Add texture with a beautiful throw

Organised Bedroom

Organised Bedroom














A quick and easy way to change the look and feel of your bedroom is with a throw. They come in so many different colours and textures; a throw rug immediately adds depth to any bed. Plus it provides extra warmth on those cold winter nights.



4. Cushions, cushions and more cushions

10 ways to add glamor to a bedroom

10 ways to add glamor to a bedroom














Visit: https://www.adairs.com.au/bedroom/bedspreads/bianca/rylee-coverlet?colour=White

My husband will tell you that I a mad for cushions. They just finish off a bed. Yes, you do need to take them off the bed of a night so you can sleep, but so what. They look great and finish off the perfect bed.


5. Add flowers

Beautiful Bedrooms

Beautiful Bedrooms















Fresh flowers add a lovely touch to any bedroom. It’s a cost effective way to add some style and brighten up any bedroom.

Image credit http://www.thepeakoftreschic.com



6. Mirror mirror on the wall

Beautiful Bedroom Mirrors

Beautiful Bedroom Mirrors













Mirrors help to create the illusion of space in any room. They also add depth and an element of light in your bedroom. As a tip, be sure to check what sort of hook you will need to hang your wall mirror with.

Image credit: www.houzz.com.au


7. Burn a candle

Beautiful bedrooms

Beautiful bedrooms

















These days their are so many amazing scented candles and diffusers that create beautiful aromas. Perfect for helping you to relax and ease into the perfect night’s sleep.

Image credit: http://lyfestyled.com.au


8. Rug up

Bedroom rugs

Bedroom rugs
















Add depth to your bedroom by including a floor rug. They come in so many amazing colours and styles, you are sure to find something to fit your style and décor.

Image credit: http://www.zgallerie.com/


9. Pretty as a picture

Beautiful bedrooms

Beautiful bedrooms

















Hanging pretty wall art, or pictures adds personality to any room. You can get some beautiful frames and images that will suit any room. Go for gold or silver, or keep it neutral or white, or make a statement with black.

Image credit: www.pinterest.com.au


10. Clear the clutter










Clear the clutter and surround yourself with meaningful objects. Create a peaceful and relaxing place perfect for rest and rejuvenation. Have you got too much stuff sitting on your bedside table? Is your chest of draws full of things that you never use? Are clothes just dumped on the floor?

Their is nothing better than waking up in the morning to a clutter free bedroom. Commit to do a quick clean up every morning when you are making your bed and that way, clutter will never build up.

10 tips for planning the perfect kid’s party

These 10 tips for planning the perfect kid’s party cover off on the key things you need to address when organising a kids birthday party. So good luck with planning your little munchkins party.

  1. Set your budget
Organising the perfect kids party

Organising the perfect kids party

















Image credit: blog.hwtm.com

Remember, it’s a birthday party not an 18th or a 21st birthday party.

Some people love big extravagant party’s and some don’t. It really comes down to you, your family and your budget. The key is to not put yourself under too much pressure. It’s also worthwhile to keep in mind that if you do an amazing party this year, you may feel the pressure to repeat it again next year. I have found that the first born seems to get the amazing party and then the second child misses out. I know that we had a really big party for our first daughters first birthday then had a lower key party for my second child (and I felt a bit guilty about it).


2.  Set the date and time

Kids Birthday Party Ideas

Kids Birthday Party Ideas
















Image credit: http://karaspartyideas.com/

Set the party date early as everyone seems to live such busy lives these days that it’s good to give as much notice as possible. Plus, depending on the age of your child you may need to consider any sporting commitments the kids may have.


3. Select the venue

Kids birthday party

Kids birthday party
















Image credit: pinterest / http://www.burlapandblue.com/

Now you need to decide if you are having your party at home or at a venue. Both have their pros and cons. If you want a smaller party, then having it at home is perfect. Plus, it often motivates you to do a bit of spring cleaning and decluttering in preparation for the big day.

It’s amazing how the garden improves and the windows get washed when you have a party, so you can benefit from all this extra cleaning after the party has been and gone.

However, if you want a bigger party where you can just walk in and it’s all set up, you might need to find an external venue such as a play centre, sporting facility or function room. Just remember that most venues will charge a room hire to use their room, which adds to the cost of the party. You will most likely have to pay for venue staff and possibly use their food or choice of caterers. So, if you want to bring in your own food or use your choice of caterer be sure to ask these questions before you book.

The other thing to remember is that their will be a set time at which point you must be out of the venue by. You will also need to check how early you can get access to the venue to set up. If you are having an elaborate theme and setup, you will need to ensure you negotiate an early access time to the venue.


4. Planning the menu

Party Food

Party Food
















Image credit: pinterest / jacqy918.tumblr.com

For a first birthday, let’s be honest it’s mostly about the parents, however if you have older kids then you will definitely need some party food too. If you are doing it yourself, select food that can be prepared the day before and only needs to be heated up on the day. Food like:

  • mini quiches
  • sausage rolls
  • chicken balls and
  • risotto balls

Can all be made ahead of time taking the pressure off you on the day. Then, you just need to reheat them on the day.

The last thing you want is to be stuck in the kitchen all day when you have got guests. To make it a bit easier you might even decide to purchase some of the food off a caterer which means you only need to make some of the food and not all of it.

You will also need to consider if there is any special dietary requirements that you need to cater for. You need to be really careful about nuts and allergies these days.


5.  The birthday cake

Kids Birthday Cake

Kids Birthday Cake
















Image credit: Pinterest / projectnursery.com

Will you make or buy the birthday cake? If you are buying it, most places need a couple of weeks’ notice. Also, keep in mind that the more detailed cake design you have, the more notice they will need.

If you are making the cake, do you need to do a trial run a couple of weeks before the big day? I wish I had with my son’s birthday. He had a Peter Rabbit themed party and I had seen a cake that I wanted to recreate. I made the cake which turned out perfectly, however I couldn’t get the right coloured blue food die to match the picture I had. I then had to go and buy a different coloured blue at the last minute because when I mixed it up, it wasn’t the right colour. This is something that I would not have known until I started mixing the colour.

Write a list of all the things you might need for the cake:

  • Do you need to buy a special cake tin?
  • Have you got all the ingredients for the cake?
  • What sort of icing are you going to have?
  • Have you got the right coloured candles and plate to put the cake on?
  • Do you need any cake decorating equipment?
  • Do you need to buy sugar flowers, ribbon etc.?

You will definitely need to consider all of these things if you are going to make the cake.


6. Design your invitations

Kids Birthday Card

Kids Birthday Card








Image credit: https://www.paperdivas.com.au

How do you want to invite your guests? Are you keeping it simple and will you just call or email your guests? Or do you want to design and mail out invitations to match the theme of the party?

Consider if you need to also have printed: matching

  • Envelopes (Don’t forget your stamps either)
  • Thank you cards
  • Stickers for drinks, food signage and goodie bags.

If you are having them printed, you will need to allow time for printing and mailing. Check also if they supply matching envelopes or if you need to purchase envelopes seperately.

If you want printed invitations, check out these websites. They are easy to use and you can quickly create great invitations that can be printed off, or they can print them for you.



Now is the time to also check and make sure you have everyone’s addresses. If you want to get really organised you could type the addresses up in Excel, then do a mail merge and print off the address labels. This is really useful if you plan on sending out thank notes or using the addresses again to send Christmas cards to.

Guest list
With your guest list you will want to keep a record of who you’ve invited to the party, as well as who has RSVPed and any special meal requests they might have. Keep in mind that big is not always best.


7. Choose your theme

Now the fun begins. Time to decided on your colour scheme and theme for the party.

Party Theme

Party Theme
















Pinterest / birthdaygirlblog.com

10 tips for planning the perfect kid’s party

10 tips for planning the perfect kid’s party













Image credit: http://myperfectevent.com.au


8. Manners

I am a big one for manners. Now is the perfect time to remind your child about the importance of thanking their guest for any presents they may bring. Plus, making sure that no kids are left out from the activities and looking after their little guests is important too.


9. Clean out the toys

With a birthday party comes lots of new toys. So I use this time to do a big clean out of old and broken toys or toys that the kids have grown out of. Otherwise, you just end up with the biggest pile of toys that you then need to keep tidy and organised.


10. Runsheet

As a former event manager I LOVE a run sheet. I cannot help myself. I do a run sheet that lists when everything is happening and who is doing it. It helps me to keep organised, not miss anything and on schedule. It should list all of the tasks that need to be done prior to the party as well as on the day.

Here’s a sample of tasks that you would include on your run sheet:


Date Task Who is responsible for this Done
Do my budget
Set the date
Select the venue
Decide on a party theme
Design and proof the invitations
Print invitations
Purchase stamps and envelopes
Print out address labels
Mail off invitations
Order birthday cake
Plan the menu
Purchase the birthday gift and card
Organise the child’s birthday outfit
Finalise the guest numbers