How to organise your pantry

Having an organised pantry is essential. It’s a space you use numerous times a day so it needs to be setup right. You need to have different zones for your food, the right containers and a layout that works for the space So, here’s our top tips on how to organise your pantry.

Pantry organisation

Pantry organisation

Take everything out.

Remove all the items from your pantry, one shelve at a time.

Discard any out-of-date food.

Don’t forgot to start a list of items you need to replace.

Clean your pantry.

Using hot soapy water, wipe out each shelve.

Group like items together.

Put all your cereals together, your baking items together etc.

Pantry Storage

Pantry Storage

Choose your containers.

It’s a great time to replace any old containers or streamline your panty look and buy all matching containers. Clear containers are always best in the pantry. You just need to decide if you want plastic or glass ones. Don’t forget to wash out your new food containers before you decanter food into them.

When choosing the right type of container for your space, think about how they will stack together. Do you want square or round containers?  You might find that square containers stack better and therefore make the best use of your space. Just make sure the lids seal really well too.

Pantry Storage

Pantry Storage

Setting up your pantry in zones.

When putting everything back into your pantry, think about the different areas and what you use the most. Items that you use all the time, like breakfast cereal should be easily accessible at the front.

Label, label and label.

Don’t forget to label the food containers too. You can also label the shelves so everyone knows what items belong on what shelves. We often use custom made labels for our client’s pantries. You can choose the colour, font and shape. The look great and the labels last longer too.

Pantry Labels

Pantry Labels

Use baskets and tubs.

Baskets or pull out tubs are really useful to store bulky items in. Canned food can be stacked on tiered shelving, soup/packet mixes can be stored in pull-out baskets and spices in a spice rack.

Pantry Container


Create extra storage space.

We regulary get asked how to organise your pantry. As part of the organising process you should also look at how you can create more space as well. Can you create more storage zones by installing racks on the back of your door to store gladwrap, tin foil or paper towel on? For items that you don’t use regularly, think about storing them in tubs or containers either down the bottom or up the top of your pantry.

Once your pantry is neat and organised you will find that you waste less food too. You will be able to see what you have in your pantry because nothing is hidden in the back of your pantry. Plus, you won’t be knocking over the soy sauce bottle to reach your breakfast cereal because everything will be accessible.

Want to get your pantry organised? Then contact us. We love pantry’s.

10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown

I use these 10 tips for coping during lockdown every single day. They work and help me keep on track of what is a crazy time at the moment.

Make friends with your slow cooker

I’m a bit of a slow cooker connoisseur. I prep my veggies, and get them all cut up and meat ready the night before. Then, in the morning all I need to do is pop them in the slow cooker. After a challenging day of home schooling and wrangling kids and trying to juggle work (and stay sane) I don’t have to think about dinner as it’s done.


10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown. Image Ref:

10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown – Image Ref:





















Batch cooking

If you’re making Spaghetti Bolognese, make a double quantity and freeze the other batch. This week we are having Pumpkin Ravioli, Spaghetti Bolognese and Shepard’s Pie, all out of the freezer. Then all you need to do is cook some veggies or makem a quick salad and dinner is done.


10 minutes a day keeps the pile away

Ironing is probably the last thing on your mind at the moment but if you do 10 minutes a day it will keep it in check.


I miss my cleaner

Obviously, my cleaner cannot come at the moment and the last thing I have time to do is clean. So, I just do 5 minutes here and there. As soon as I have showered, I wipe out the shower. It’s amazing the difference this makes and your shower won’t need a proper clean for weeks. A quick wipe over the bathroom mirror and vanity after the kids have cleaned their teeth means another job done. Five minutes here and there makes a big difference. Although one of the benefits of lockdown is that no one will be coming to visit you anyway, so maybe cleaning doesn’t need to be high on your list either!!!

Take 10 minutes for yourself

Before the craziness of the day starts I make a cup of tea and go and sit quietly (away from the kids) and take the time to drink it in peace (and whilst it’s hot). Its amazing how you feel if you can just get 10 minutes here and there to yourself.

10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown

10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown – Image Ref:



















Book that appointment

We won’t be in lockdown for ever (even though it does feel like that some days). So, book that facial or massage now so that when lockdown is finished you have already secured your spot.


Plan out your week

Map out those important meeting that you cannot miss and plan your day around them. Let the family know too. If you need to get the kids set up with Google Meets first thing in the morning, then schedule any “must do” meetings in the afternoon.


Recharge at night

Be sure to recharge all your device e.g., iPads at night ready for the next day of learning.


Bribe your kids

Normally not one that I would suggest but do whatever it takes to get it all done. If you have little kids perhaps start a reward chart for them. They get stickers (and eventually a reward) for doing good things like not coming into the office when you’re on a Zoom meeting, or completing their school work for the day.


The last of my 10 Tips For Coping During Lockdown – Up your vitamins and greens

Let’s be honest, we are all probably burning the candle at both ends. So now is the time to up your dose of Vitamins so you can cope. I know I finished work at 11pm last night so I definitely need some extra energy today.

Good luck with lockdown 5.0. Hopefully it won’t be long and we will be back out again.

Want more tips on coping during lockdown? Then check out our blog on: Master Working From Home.  

Whilst we cannot go and do any home organising we are still helping our clients virtually. So if you need some help, we are only a phone call away.

Clearing out and decluttering an estate

Clearing out and decluttering an estate can be a costly exercise especially if the process is not well organised and planned out in advance.

Here’s 8 of our key tips to help you manage clearing out and decluttering an estate in a cost effective way.

Locate the key financial documents first

Estate Clearing

Estate Clearing














The aim is to make your solicitor’s job easier and ensure you don’t have to replace missing documents.  You may need to find the latest Will, recent bank statements, life insurance policy, Certificate of Title//property deeds, share certificates, tax returns  etc.– all the documents that a solicitor will need to complete the estate administration.

Keep in mind that it’s expensive to replace documents. Currently the fee for replacing a lost Certificate of Title is $189.10, plus an “indemnity contribution” (similar to insurance). This is based on the value of the land and the circumstances under which the paper Certificate of Title was lost or destroyed. Costs could range from $100 to $600, so it’s worth finding these documents as soon as possible, before the declutter and cull starts. Plus, there could be additional legal costs associated with the replacement process.

Keep an eye out for hidden cash

Money hidden inside old shoe boxes or jars still exists. I cannot begin to tell you how much cash we have found when clearing out estates over the years. Be meticulous. Check every pile of paper and inside jacket pockets and boxes.

I often find that the older the client the more money is found. We once found over $5765 in “hidden” cash which had been stored in various/random places throughout the house. Without attention to detail it could have easily been thrown out, but instead it remained with the estate.So when clearing out and decluttering an estate be on the look out.

Organise valuations

Clearing out and decluttering an estate

Clearing out and decluttering an estate














To the untrained eye it’s often hard to determine if a piece of art work is an original or not. You may find yourself asking: is Mums old crystal worth something or not. Organise to have furniture, jewellery, crockery and artworks valued by an expert. Or utilise our estate clearing services and we can help manage the process for you.

Start the cull/declutter process early

Depending on the size of the estate it can easily take a number of days/weeks to declutter and clear.  So start the process early. If you need some tips on decluttering, this blog  might help.

Find cost effective ways to dispose of goods when clearing out an estate

Rubbish removal is one of the biggest expenses in clearing out an estate. Properly managed though, this fee can be reduced down substantially.

We use a 4 step process to rubbish removal, with each step designed to reduce down the actual amount of goods that ultimately need to go into paid rubbish removal. So my big tip here is to think about the process of disposing of goods well in advance. Plus, try and make use of your free council rubbish pick up, if available.

Look at what items can be sold

You can use Gumtree or eBay to sell goods that you don’t want to keep or distribute to family members.  However, just be realistic about the resale value. It does take time to take the photos, measure up items, write the description and list them along with more time manage all the enquires that you will receive.

Do a project plan

Clearing out and decluttering an estate is a big job. However, if you map out a project plan, listing key dates and tasks to be completed, along with a budget, it helps to manage the process. So set some time aside at the beginning of the clear out.

Get professional help

Decluttering an estate is an emotionally draining process, especially if family members are involved, because of the emotional attachment to items. Plus, people often don’t know where to start because they are just so overwhelmed by the sheer size of the job.

Plus, with family and work commitments, often the family doesn’t have a spare four weeks to spend decluttering and clearing an estate. Or there may not be any family at all to assist with this process. This is where a professional organiser who specialises in estate clearing can be a good strategy, both in terms of emotional support and practical experience.

If you would like to discuss how we can help with your estate clearance, please contact Natalie Morey on Ph: 9421 1070 or 0419 754 784.



Take care of yourself: 9 simple tips

I have been sick recently and have been in hospital a couple of times.

It’s made me think about how I run my life and what I need to do to change things to ensure I am taking the best care of myself.

Personal concierge service

Personal concierge service










So here’s my tips:

  1. Remove any people or things from your life that stress you out. Whether it’s at work or personally, people or things that cause you stress have no place in your life. Make the tough decision and remove them from your life. I promise your stress levels will lower immediately. Mine did.
  2. Say no. Look after your health. The reality is that we just cannot do everything all of the time. So you need to say “no” sometimes. Perhaps it’s taking on to much work, attending to many social functions or trying to be everything to everyone one. If you continually stretch yourself there becomes a breaking point.
  3. Don’t put off going to the doctor. Regular check-ups will help keep on top of things so they won’t get out of control.
  4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Eat healthy and exercise. Remember, you are what you eat. If you are not getting the recommended serves of fruit and vegies per day then have a daily smoothie. 3 serves of vegies at breakfast is a great start to the day. (I prep mine the night before, so there is no excuses in the morning)
  5. Be prepared. I always keep a couple of prepared meals in the freezer. Great for when you don’t feel like cooking, and want to avoid unhealthy take away options. The last thing you want when you already feel unwell.
  6. It’s okay to have a pyjama day, every so often. I have done this a couple of times recently and it feels really good. Just don’t make it a regular thing!
  7. Stress less. The amount of stress you have in your life has a big impact on your health. So managing your stress levels is critical. (Refer to point 1)
  8. Make time for yourself. Definitely struggling with this one at the moment. What, with a young family, business, husband, friends it’s hard to find the time. But, we all need some “me” time for our sanity.
  9. Exercise. So this is the last thing you want to do when you are tired. But it definitely makes you feel better. I struggle with spare time but I also understand that I need to exercise as it makes me feel better. So I have just downloaded the 7 Minute Workout App from iTunes. I figure if I cannot find 7 minutes in my day, then there’s a problem. So I am starting off small and working my way up from here. Will let you know how I go.

The Lifestylers Group is a personal concierge service provide assistance to clients located in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.

Leave the house, on time, every time!


Get to get organised














I don’t know about you, but I find it easy to run late if I’m not organised.

I worked with a client recently to help her get organised. Her biggest gripe was that she was always running late. Late to work. Late to pick up the kids. Late to visit friends. Late with dinner. And she wanted to fix this problem.

I know myself, if I’m not organised then I am guaranteed to run late. So I could totally understand where she was coming from. So here’s my tips to help you get out the door, on time, every time.


It all comes down to planning. It doesn’t have to be military precision, but the more planning you do, the more likely you will be on time. Plus, the more kids you have, the more planning you need to do. So for example, if you know you are going somewhere tomorrow morning, then work out:

  • What time you need to leave to get their on time.
  • Consider if you need to allow extra time to park or if you will hit peak hour or school traffic.
  • Do you need to get petrol on the way?

Then allow an extra 10 minutes, as a buffer. So if you had planned on leaving at 9.15am aim to be in the car at 9.05am. Easy!


If you are taking the kids then ensure they know what is expected of them in the morning. Explain the night before, that they will need to be up at a set time in the morning.

Allow extra time

 As I mentioned above, factor in a 10 minute buffer zone. I’ve got little kids and it never fails that as soon as you are ready to get in the car, they do a poo. So their nappy needs to be changed. And, if you’ve got big kids, they still need to be managed too.

How long does it take to do one’s hair?

I mean really!

Do you really need to be snap chatting or texting at 8am in the morning!

Most teenage kids only know one pace. Dawdle!

Plus some kids are just not morning risers. So you need to plan for this. Explain the night before what the deal is. What time they will need to be up in the morning. And then stay one step ahead of them by calling them 15 minutes earlier than required.

Organise your clothes the night before

Each night I work out what I am going to be wearing for the following day. It’s out, ironed and ready to go. Then, there’s no procrastinating in the morning about what to wear. If you want to be super organised, plan your wardrobe on Sunday. Iron and hang it some separate so you are organised for the entire week. Easy!

I do this for my kids as well. So, then I’m not running around trying to find their clothes in the morning. Plus it avoids arguments.

If they are at the stage where they want to dress themselves, then get them involved. Get them to choose their own clothes the night before. There’s nothing worse in the morning. You’re now running late. You’re screening at the kids to get in the car and you realise your daughter is dressed like a bumble bee!

Don’t waste time looking for lost keys

Have one spot where your keys and phone get put. Perhaps you need to hang a hook inside the front door. Or set up a “drop zone” somewhere in your house where your keys and phone are put religiously.

Is it in the top draw in the kitchen? A bowl setting on the bench.  Or on the hallway table. Basically whatever works for your home!

Get up 15 minutes earlier than planned

I find this really useful, especially if you have to get kids organised to. Get up, get yourself organised and perhaps even have your breakfast first. You want to avoid shoving cold toast in your mouth as you run out the door…running late again!

The Lifestylers Group is a professional organising and decluttering service, based in Melbourne and assisting clients in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.

10 ways to add glamour to your bedroom

We spend enough time in there so why not make our bedroom clutter free, organised and stylish. Here’s 10 ways to add glamour to your bedroom and they won’t cost a fortune either. Plus, with the change in seasons, it’s the perfect time to declutter and organise your bedroom, add some pops of colour and freshen up the space.


1. Add a gorgeous headboard

Check out these gorgeous padded bedheads. Elegant and distinctive they come in a range of great colours and totally change a drab bed into a fab one in know time at all. Check out: for some stylish options.

Beautiful Bedroom

Beautiful Bedroom









2. Beautiful bed linen

You simply cannot go past the feeling of beautiful soft linen. You know that feeling when you stay at a luxury hotel and you climb into bed and go “ahha””. 1000 thread count all the way for me! If you plan your shopping well, buy your new linen when it’s on sale so it won’t cost a fortune either.



Luxury Bedroom Linen

Luxury Bedroom Linen














3. Add texture with a beautiful throw

Organised Bedroom

Organised Bedroom














A quick and easy way to change the look and feel of your bedroom is with a throw. They come in so many different colours and textures; a throw rug immediately adds depth to any bed. Plus it provides extra warmth on those cold winter nights.



4. Cushions, cushions and more cushions

10 ways to add glamor to a bedroom

10 ways to add glamor to a bedroom















My husband will tell you that I a mad for cushions. They just finish off a bed. Yes, you do need to take them off the bed of a night so you can sleep, but so what. They look great and finish off the perfect bed.


5. Add flowers

Beautiful Bedrooms

Beautiful Bedrooms















Fresh flowers add a lovely touch to any bedroom. It’s a cost effective way to add some style and brighten up any bedroom.

Image credit



6. Mirror mirror on the wall

Beautiful Bedroom Mirrors

Beautiful Bedroom Mirrors













Mirrors help to create the illusion of space in any room. They also add depth and an element of light in your bedroom. As a tip, be sure to check what sort of hook you will need to hang your wall mirror with.

Image credit:


7. Burn a candle

Beautiful bedrooms

Beautiful bedrooms

















These days their are so many amazing scented candles and diffusers that create beautiful aromas. Perfect for helping you to relax and ease into the perfect night’s sleep.

Image credit:


8. Rug up

Bedroom rugs

Bedroom rugs
















Add depth to your bedroom by including a floor rug. They come in so many amazing colours and styles, you are sure to find something to fit your style and décor.

Image credit:


9. Pretty as a picture

Beautiful bedrooms

Beautiful bedrooms

















Hanging pretty wall art, or pictures adds personality to any room. You can get some beautiful frames and images that will suit any room. Go for gold or silver, or keep it neutral or white, or make a statement with black.

Image credit:


10. Clear the clutter










Clear the clutter and surround yourself with meaningful objects. Create a peaceful and relaxing place perfect for rest and rejuvenation. Have you got too much stuff sitting on your bedside table? Is your chest of draws full of things that you never use? Are clothes just dumped on the floor?

Their is nothing better than waking up in the morning to a clutter free bedroom. Commit to do a quick clean up every morning when you are making your bed and that way, clutter will never build up.