Declutter your Makeup Draw

Clear acrylic containers are great for storing and sorting makeup. They are easy to clean are functional and look good.

Transparent containers make it quick to find exactly the item that you are looking for.  So start decluttering your makeup draw and say good bye to makeup spread all over your vanity bench forever. By using a Makeup Organiser, you can arrange your products neatly in acrylic containers.

Check out for more ideas.

Good luck with make-up decluttering!

Until next time, Happy Organising

Natalie Morey, Professional Organiser

Declutter and Organise your Home Office Mail

How to Get Your Mail Organised

Here are a few quick tips to help you start managing your mail clutter.

  1. Don’t sit the mail on the bench and say “I will come back and sort it out later”.
  2. When bringing the mail in from the mail box, open it straight away (standing over the bin), throwing out the envelopes and any junk mail/magazines.
  3. Ask yourself, “will I really read this catalogue or newspaper”?
  4. Once you have a pile of relevant mail, you then need to decide what action to take. Many people keep catalogues, saying that they will read it later, but they never do.
  5. Set a timeframe in which you must read the item and then throw it out. Take the mail out of the kitchen and into your “office” space.
  6. If your kitchen bench is going to be clutter free, it is really important to get into a good habit about managing your mail.

Until next time, Happy Organising

By Natalie Morey, Professional Organiser

30 Days of Home Organisation and Decluttering – Spring Cleaning Challenge

30 Days of Home Organisation and Decluttering tips by Professional Organiser Natalie Morey, from The Lifestylers Group.

The start of Spring would have to be one of my most favourite times of the year. The weather is finally starting to warm up, the days are getting longer. Buds are shooting and the Daffodils are in full bloom. It’s time for a Spring Clean at your house. We have created a 30 Day Spring Home Organising and Decluttering Challenge to help get you started and stay on track this Spring.  Happy Spring Cleaning.

Where to start?

Have a Plan – If you are planning to do some decluttering and home organising, you will need to have a plan of attack.

Select an Area – Pick out an area that you want to declutter. To begin only choose a small area or shelf/cupboard because there is nothing more overwhelming if you start on a project, get interrupted (and let’s face it, there are so many interruptions in our daily schedule) and end with a huge mess. This can be really disheartening, not to mention it leaves the space in more of a mess than what you started with.

Empty the space – placing items into one of the following piles.

  • Stuff to keep
  • Stuff to donate
  • Stuff to throw out

Ask yourself – Do I really need 4 thermoses? When was the last time I used it? When was the last time I wore it? Am I really going to get it repaired? Do I really need it?

Group similar items together – Once you have done this, you will (hopefully) have a smaller amount of items to put away.

Stay Motivated – The most important part of the DIY decluttering and home organising is that you stay motivated. If your goal is to sort one shelf, don’t stop until you have done that shelf.

Review Your Home Organising – I always suggest that you review the space in a week or so and see what is working and what is not. You might need to fine tune the placement of items or change the setup until you get it right.

Don’t Give Up – It can be hard work, but with persistence you will master your decluttering and home organising.

Until next time, Happy Spring Organising.

Natalie Morey